Plock Zoo

City: Plock
Country: Poland
Voivodeship: Masovian
Opend 1st May 1951


Species 265

You meet regular zooanimals, but also chinese alligators, mountain zebras and somali wild ass´s

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1921 The first suggestion of the possibility of a zoo in Plock. Maria Macieszyna - activist, cultural - educational and biology teacher puts a project to establish a zoological garden - for botanical teaching.

1948 agricultural exhibition - organized by the Self-Pruning Peasants, under which the Head of Municipal Enterprises Gardening - Tadeusz Borkowski machine shows plants grown in the garden. In order to revive the exhibition animals are shown: turtle, mole, hedgehog, white mice, a few birds. Exhibition massively visited by the inhabitants of Plock, especially by young people.

Opening 5.III.1949 botanical garden on-site agricultural and horticultural exhibitions, enriched by a greater number of animals including deer, a pair of foxes, pheasants, peacocks and albino magpie.

1950 to 1951 to organize a regional initiative in the Zoological Gardens, taken by Tadeusz Borkowski. The animal's condition is already very impressive for those times, the number of visitors to garden - almost 60 thousand a year. A small zoo of domestic fauna has attracted interest inspectors manager Supervision of the preparation zoos in Poland, Dr. Jan Zabinski-go, who decides to draw the garden in his records. Thanks to his care and commitment of the Presidium of the National Council of the City, Garden City receives from the new areas where there is to this day.

Opening 1.May.1951 regional zoo with domestic fauna - among others. deer, bears, wolves, foxes, birds, reptiles, fish.

1956 Director of the zoo is Tadeusz Taworski. Extending the exhibition of specimens of exotic zoo, among others monkeys, llamas, ponies.

60s initiation of "Operation Crocodile", for which the animals were obtained at that time worth 250 thousand. zł including anteaters, armadillos, snakes, opossums. Completing the collection of animals from other zoos in the country, the exchange of animals from zoos in Prague, Havana, Rosario, Argentina. Construction an herpetarium, aquarium, bird aviary , monkey house, elephant house, giraffe house and enclosures for ungulates.

15.IX.1964 arrival of the first elephant, Petra from the Netherlands.

1965 Start of development work for the first Polish zoo school

1970 Arrival of the first giraffe.

1971 Start of construction of the zoo school.

1977 The first condor hatched in Poland and raised by both parents.

1978 Birth of Poland's first giant anteater and the first giraffe in Mazovia.

20.VII.1979 The completion of the new Pavilion, Didactic - Science with the exposure of fish, amphibians and reptiles.

80's Bringing new species such as: Nile hippos, crested capuchins, pelicans, moluccan cockatoos , many species of fish, amphibians and reptiles. Breeding success: kulan, South American tapir, mandrill, capuchins, Nile hippos, emu, Indian cobra. Creating a building for the tapir.

Bringing 1992 -1996 include: Hartmann's zebra, Japanese macaques, rheas.

Since 1997 intensive modernization and development of the Garden. It amounts to replicate many valuable and rare species
animals. Zoo is a member of international organizations WAZA, EAZA, ISIS, IZE, and works with many zoos in Europe and worldwide. The major facilities upgraded or built in recent years include: pens and stables for ungulates, giraffe house, pool for seals, elephant-enclosure, aviaries for birds of prey, and building, the lesser panda enclosure, new enclosures for invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, ponds for breeding water birds, the island for gibbons, macaques, Japanese paddock, paddock for kangaroos, the exposure of African penguins, pavilion for tamarins and marmosets, pavilion and exhibition for lions and Persian leopards, mini zoo, and more.

2009 Board of City Hall allocates an additional 4.5 hectares. Develop initial concept development of a new area.

2009-10 Teaching Pavilion Renovation - Scientific, modernization herpetarium exposure, the project of a new aquarium.

2010-11 Exposure Starting with a seasonal tropical forest exhibition of butterflies.

Last visited 2012

Phone number 024 366 05 11
Fax number 024 366 05 13
Address: Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny w Plocku, ul. Norbertańska 2, 09-402 Plock, Poland


Open : minimum 9am-4pm

Entrace fee:

  • Adult 38,- PLN
  • Child 28,- PN

Annual card

  • Adult 170,- PLN
  • Child 130,- PN

For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea (entrance 3,- PLN)

Food: The Zoo has a places where you can get a snack

Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage

Map 2011 Map 2012 The 4,5 HA extension plan Map 2015 Map 2020

After have been paying the entrance fee we turn right and first look on the right hand at the tamarins (you can also go inside the house) and following the house to the end, where tere is an terrarium and aquarium. Especially the aquarium should be the biggest of poland (though there also are some aquariums in warsaw and poznan). Heading down the same road towards the entrance we se the big house for birds and Asian elephants. Afterwards follows an aviary for birds and opposite we se donkeys and llamas. Following the road on the left hand now we first meet som pheasants and then som eagles. Theire neighbours are the goral and theire predator the snowleopard. Going around the Kangaroos we follow the road down to several lakes for birds and some monkeys. Climbing up again we meet macaques and the red river hog. Now going te way up from where com passing the eagles, we first look at the pigmy hippo. Across we are having the big cats, like the Lion and the leopard, but we also finde the Andenean Condor here. Now we look at som ungulates like the Somali Ass, the Hartmann's Zebra and the Scimtered Oryx. Next to them is the minizoo, where kids can pet goats and you also find the funny seals in this area. Going around the giraffe house we meet som aviarys for owls and  and the see the funny African Penguins. Now we have reached a big picnicarea, where you also finde som llamas in the ruins, which is the final enclosure

DE: Dieser Zoo zeigt insbesonders bei seinen huftieren seltenheiten wie das Somali Wildesel, Hartmanns Zebra und Gorale, hat aber auch einen der grössten Aqua-terrarien von Polen und Riesenseeadler.

DK: Denne have viser især blandt sine hovdyr sjældenheder som somali vildæslet, hartmanns zebra og goralen. Dog har haven også en af Polens største aqua-terrarier og kæmpehavørne.
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